Timothy and the Mysterious Forest

PlayStation 4
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest (loading)
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest (loading)
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest (loading)
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest (loading)

Timothy and the Mysterious Forest

PlayStation 4
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Current price:R$42.9
Min. price:R$6
Min. price PS+:R$3.43

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Release:January 22, 2021
Manufacturer:QUBICGAMES SP. Z O.O.

Timothy and the Mysterious Forest tem um estilo clássico com algumas ideias modernas. É uma mistura de gráficos retro com metanarrativa, mecânicas furtivas e combates bem desafiantes.

Timothy, uma criança comum, quer salvar o seu avô da morte certa. O velhinho adoeceu e está a lutar pela vida. Timothy, que adora o avô, decide embarcar numa aventura perigosa até à terrível Floresta Misteriosa. As lendas falam num cogumelo mágico que cresce na floresta e é capaz de curar qualquer doença. Timothy inicia a sua aventura cheio de coragem e vontade de encontrar o cogumelo mágico.

O jogo mistura elementos de jogos de aventura/exploração com quebra-cabeças e mecânicas furtivas. Explorar, ler e manter um ritmo lento são a melhor tática. O nível de dificuldade é elevado: Timothy é basicamente indefeso e morre se tocar uma única vez em inimigos ou armadilhas.

O mundo está repleto de ruínas, cemitérios e túmulos, cavernas, pântanos e personagens estranhas: todos os locais parecem selvagens, abandonados e perigosos. À exceção do avô de Timothy, muitas personagens são frequentemente más ou claramente dominadas por sentimentos desagradáveis.

Buy now Timothy and the Mysterious Forest PS4 for R$42.9 or wait until price drops on PS Store (Brazil). Watching for price dynamic on MyGameHunter

The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.
All Unlocked
All Unlocked
Unlock all trophies.
Not all birds are bad... or at least not when they have a full belly.
Dead Trees tell no tales
Dead Trees tell no tales
You have killed the infamous tree-monster Old Bloody Bark in the Mysterious Forest.
Half-blind miner
Half-blind miner
You have discovered the tunnels below The Mysterious Forest and you have made some new friends.
You have read all the sources of knowledge in the game. Maybe you are starting to understand something.
Secret Island
Secret Island
A peaceful and quiet place? It should exist somewhere. Maybe this is it?
Developers Fortune
Developers Fortune
You have discovered all the secrets of the game developers.
Ancient God
Ancient God
You have defeated Anhurtyr, the powerful desert god, after a difficult battle.
True Ending
True Ending
You have discovered the truth about Timothy and his adventure. Perhaps it would have been better not to know anything?
Good Ending
Good Ending
After long adventure, where you have visited infamous Monster Island, you have brought the magic mushroom home.
Bad Ending
Bad Ending
You have fled in terror from the castle... congratulations?
Leap of Faith
Leap of Faith
Jumping into the void is not for everyone. You certainly have a taste for exploration.