オリジナル版に加え、新たな拡張パックも手に入る 『Quake』にはオリジナル版の拡張パック2つ、「Scourge of Armagon」と「Dissolution of Eternity」が付属しています。加えて、受賞歴を誇るMachineGamesのチームが手掛けた「Dimension of the Past」と完全新規の拡張パックとなる「Dimension of the Machine」も付属しています。
完全新規の「Dimension of the Machine」拡張パック この迷宮の最奥には、The Machineという名のみが聞こえる溶岩と鋼のコアが存在します。時を越え、宇宙を渡り歩きながら悪の勢力を打倒し、失われたルーンを集め、眠れるMachineに力を吹き込んでポータルを開きましょう。そこには、この世界への最大の脅威が隠されています。人類が滅亡する前に打倒しなくてはなりません。
You can subscribe to price tracking and we'll notify you when Quake has a sale on PS Store (Japan). Quake: description, trailers and screenshots, price history, trophies, add-ons. Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5.
The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.
Great Old One
You have conquered all the realms of the Elder Gods. Congratulations.
Sink the Horror Electric
Complete Quake Episode 1: Dimension of the Doomed in single player.
Bottom Of The Well
Complete Quake Episode 2: The Realm of Black Magic in single player.
Beneath The Blue Chambers
Complete Quake Episode 3: The Netherworld in single player.
The Last Unexplored Path
Complete Quake Episode 4: The Elder World in single player.
Defeat Shub-Niggurath in single player.
Gateway Traveller
Complete Scourge of Armagon Episode 1: Fortress of the Dead in single player.
Dominated Dominion
Complete Scourge of Armagon Episode 2: Dominion of Darkness in single player.
Complete Scourge of Armagon Episode 3: The Rift in single player.
Overlord Overdone
Complete Dissolution of Eternity Episode 1: Hell's Fortress in single player.
Complete Dissolution of Eternity Episode 2: The Corridors of Time in single player.
The Year Zero
Complete Dimension of the Past in single player.
Vengeance Denied
Complete Dimension of the Machine in single player.
Vertical Vengeance
Find the secret exit in Quake Episode 1: Dimension of the Doomed.
Find the secret exit in Quake Episode 2: The Realm of Black Magic.
The Hot And Winding Road
Find the secret exit in Quake Episode 3: The Netherworld.
Into Sandy's City
Find the secret exit in Quake Episode 4: The Elder World.
Military Complex
Find the secret exit in Scourge of Armagon Episode 1: Fortress of the Dead.
The Gremlin's Domain
Find the secret exit in Scourge of Armagon Episode 2: Dominion of Darkness.
A Long Yard
Find the secret exit in Scourge of Armagon Episode 3: The Rift.
The House of Doom
Find the secret exit in Dimension of the Past.
Sandy's Room
Find the secret exit in Dimension of the Machine.
Secret Sleuth
Find a secret area.
The Well of Wishes
Find the Well of Wishes in the Crypt of Decay.
You're not supposed to be here!
Find the secret message in Tur Torment.
Friendly Fire
Kill a monster with another monster's attack.
In deathmatch, electrocute an enemy in water without dying.
The Shambler Dance
Kill a shambler before it is able to cast its lightning attack.
A Close Shave
Kill a shambler with an axe.
The Painless Maze
Complete E4M6: The Pain Maze on Nightmare without taking damage.
Slipgate Pacifist
Complete E1M1: The Slipgate Complex on Nightmare without firing a shot.
Shub's Bud
Complete Quake on Nightmare in single player.
Scourge Done Slick
Complete Scourge of Armagon on Nightmare in single player.
Rogue Ranger
Complete Dissolution of Eternity on Nightmare in single player.
Complete Dimension of the Past on Nightmare in single player.
Complete Dimension of the Machine on Nightmare in single player.