Pro Fishing Simulator

PlayStation 4
Pro Fishing Simulator (loading)
Pro Fishing Simulator (loading)
Pro Fishing Simulator (loading)
Pro Fishing Simulator (loading)

Pro Fishing Simulator

PlayStation 4
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Price History

Current price:3219 ₽
Min. price:160 ₽

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Release:February 5, 2019
Manufacturer:NACON SA
Subtitles:german | korean | italian | spanish | chinese (simplified) | french | japanese | polish | portuguese (Brazil) | chinese | russian | english

Как настоящая рыбалка, но не надо никуда ехать!

Pro Fishing Simulator — симулятор рыбалки, который понравится и новичкам, и закаленным профи. Вас ждут великолепнейшие пейзажи, лицензионное снаряжение и хитрая рыба, которую просто так не вытащить.

- Девять реальных мест для рыбалки — от Корсики до Колорадо с Шварцвальдом.
- 6 принципиально разных стилей ловли — нахлыстом, на блесну, с лодки...
- 79 видов рыб с предельно реалистичным поведением.
- Сотни видов рыбацкого снаряжения от реально существующих брендов: Vision, JMC, KastKing, 13 Fishing, Lew’s, Strike King и т. д.
- Гибкая система обучения, более 100 испытаний, а также рыбопедия с подробными статьями о каждой рыбе.
- Сезонные и еженедельные испытания — попадите во всемирный рейтинг.

You can subscribe to price tracking and we'll notify you when Pro Fishing Simulator has a sale on PS Store (Russia). Pro Fishing Simulator: description, trailers and screenshots, price history, trophies, add-ons. Available on PlayStation 4.

The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.
All trophies
All trophies
Earn every trophy
Wood hook
Wood hook
Catch 1 fish
Bronze hook
Bronze hook
Catch 50 fish
Silver hook
Silver hook
Catch 100 fish
Gold hook
Gold hook
Catch 500 fish
Diamond hook
Diamond hook
Catch 1000 fish
Novice angler
Novice angler
Earn 1 star
Skilled angler
Skilled angler
Earn 10 stars
Experienced angler
Experienced angler
Earn 20 stars
Professional angler
Professional angler
Earn 30 stars
Master angler
Master angler
Earn 50 stars
Master of Black Forest angling
Master of Black Forest angling
Catch at least one of each species in Germany
Master of Pine Lake angling
Master of Pine Lake angling
Catch at least one of each species in Vermont
Master of River Test angling
Master of River Test angling
Catch at least one of each species in England
Master of Arizona angling
Master of Arizona angling
Catch at least one of each species in Arizona
Master of Japan angling
Master of Japan angling
Catch at least one of each species in Japan
Master of Everglades angling
Master of Everglades angling
Catch at least one of each species in Florida
Master of Corsica angling
Master of Corsica angling
Catch at least one of each species in Corsica
Master of Mekong angling
Master of Mekong angling
Catch at least one of each species in China
Master of Seychelles angling
Master of Seychelles angling
Catch at least one of each species in the Seychelles
All-round angler
All-round angler
Catch at least one of each species in the game
Alex the Great
Alex the Great
Catch Alex the Great, the zander, in Germany
Catch Memphre the muskellunge in Vermont
Big Mike
Big Mike
Catch Big Mike the pike in England
Catch Shogun the coho salmon in Japan
Catch Chuck the channel catfish in Florida
Little Joe
Little Joe
Catch Little Joe the pikeminnow in Arizona
Catch Mazzeri the amberjack in Corsica
Catch Caong the Mekong giant catfish in China
Catch Nommo the giant grouper in the Seychelles
Monster catcher
Monster catcher
Catch a fish that weighs at least 20 kg
Coin collector
Coin collector
Have at least 5,000 coins
Line breaker
Line breaker
Break the line 10 times while landing a fish
Fishing spree
Fishing spree
Catch fish totalling at least 80 meters in length
Trout angler
Trout angler
Catch 10 trout
Bass angler
Bass angler
Catch 10 bass
Carp angler
Carp angler
Catch 10 carp
Catfish angler
Catfish angler
Catch 10 catfish
Trout expert
Trout expert
Catch 50 trout
Bass expert
Bass expert
Catch 50 bass
Carp expert
Carp expert
Catch 50 carp
Catfish expert
Catfish expert
Catch 50 catfish
Fly fishing angler
Fly fishing angler
Catch 10 fish by fly fishing
Float fishing angler
Float fishing angler
Catch 10 fish by float fishing
Lure fishing angler
Lure fishing angler
Catch 10 fish by lure fishing
Fly fishing expert
Fly fishing expert
Catch 50 fish by fly fishing
Float fishing expert
Float fishing expert
Catch 50 fish by float fishing
Lure fishing expert
Lure fishing expert
Catch 50 fish with lure fishing