PC Building Simulator

PlayStation 4
PC Building Simulator (loading)
PC Building Simulator (loading)
PC Building Simulator (loading)
PC Building Simulator (loading)

PC Building Simulator

PlayStation 4
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Price History

Current price:€17.99
Min. price:€3.59
Min. price PS+:€3.59

Current discountsAll

- 70 %
Tribes of Midgard Digital Deluxe PS4 & PS5 (loading)
PS4 | PS5
- 25 %
Akimbot (loading)
- 25 %
Wer weiß denn sowas? - Das 3. Spiel (loading)
- 25 %
Wer weiß denn sowas? - Das 3. Spiel (loading)
Darksword: Battle Eternity (loading)

Release:August 13, 2019
Subtitles:german | korean | spanish | chinese (simplified) | french | japanese | polish | portuguese (Brazil) | russian | english

Die ultimative Simulation für die Konstruktion von PCs ist endlich da!
Errichte dein PC-Imperium, von einfachen Reparaturen bis hin zur Konstruktion maßgeschneiderter Präsentationsstücke, die jeden Liebhaber schwärmen lassen. Mit einem umfassenden Sortiment tatsächlich existierender Komponenten musst du nicht länger nur vom ultimativen PC träumen, sondern kannst ihn bauen und mithilfe von 3DMark herausfinden, was er leistet.

Führe dein eigenes Geschäft!
Im Karrieremodus von PC Building Simulator übernimmst du die Verantwortung für deine eigene PC-Manufaktur und Reparaturwerkstatt. Du musst alle deine technischen Fertigkeiten aufbieten, um unterschiedliche Aufträge zu erledigen.

Lernen, wie man einen PC konstruiert
Die Konstruktion deines eigenen PCs erscheint dir als unlösbare Aufgabe?
PC Building Simulator soll auch absoluten PC-Neulingen vermitteln, wie ein Rechner zusammengebaut wird.

You can subscribe to price tracking and we'll notify you when PC Building Simulator has a sale on PS Store (Germany). PC Building Simulator: description, trailers and screenshots, price history, trophies, add-ons. Available on PlayStation 4.

The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.
Master Builder
Master Builder
Collect all Trophies
But can it run Crysis?
But can it run Crysis?
Build a PC with parts costing more than $10k and have it boot to desktop.
Stop it
Stop it
Make a PC with full tower case, AIO cooler, RGB fans, max RAM, a 1080 Ti (or SLI), but use a Celeron
If you fail the first time...
If you fail the first time...
BSOD a computer 10 times from overclocking.
Install a Threadripper 1920x and a GTX 1080 or GTX 1080ti.
Calling in Sick
Calling in Sick
Skip work 7 days in a row.
I'm broke, Uncle!
I'm broke, Uncle!
Get into $3000 of debt.
Break your CPU.
Building isn't cheap!
Building isn't cheap!
Get out of a $2500 debt.
The Best of Both Worlds
The Best of Both Worlds
Pair an AMD CPU with a NVIDIA GPU.
Get exactly the requested 3DMark score.
Have every possible part in your inventory.
Back in the black
Back in the black
$1,000 in the bank.
Seems you're pretty good at this
Seems you're pretty good at this
$10,000 in the bank.
You rock at this!
You rock at this!
$100,000 in the bank.
Maybe you should try something else?
Maybe you should try something else?
$1,000,000 in the bank.
That's what I'm talking about
That's what I'm talking about
Complete 10 jobs.
Smashing it
Smashing it
Complete 30 jobs.
Taking care of business
Taking care of business
Complete 100 jobs
Work ethic 101
Work ethic 101
Complete 200 jobs.
Wow, you really like PCs
Wow, you really like PCs
Complete 500 jobs.
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction
Get a 4 star rating.
Bending over backwards
Bending over backwards
Get a 4.5 star rating.
Customer's ALWAYS right
Customer's ALWAYS right
Get a 5 star rating.
Get your wings
Get your wings
Complete How To Build A PC mode.
Treat yourself - GPU
Treat yourself - GPU
Install a GTX 1080Ti in your office machine.
Treat yourself - CPU
Treat yourself - CPU
Install a Threadripper CPU in your office machine.
Treat yourself - RAM
Treat yourself - RAM
Install 128GB of RAM in your office machine.
Show off
Show off
Get a 3DMark score of 5000 on your office PC.
Lead by example
Lead by example
Get a 3DMark score of 10000 on your office PC.
Blow 'em away
Blow 'em away
Get a 3DMark score of 20000 on your office PC.
Getting your feet wet
Getting your feet wet
Custom water cool your office PC.
Stars in your eyes (maybe try squinting)
Stars in your eyes (maybe try squinting)
Add loads of lighting to your office PC.
The Stuart Morton Award For Purpleness
The Stuart Morton Award For Purpleness
Make your office PC as purple as possible.
Majority Shareholder
Majority Shareholder
Buy 51% of the company stock from Uncle Tim.
Buy all of the company stock from Uncle Tim.
Going loopy
Going loopy
Create a watercooling loop with 5 or more radiators.
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
These high prices are your fault!
These high prices are your fault!
Have 100 GPUs in your inventory.
Easy to forget
Easy to forget
Forget to apply thermal paste to the CPU.
From humble beginnings…
From humble beginnings…
Get to level 6.
Things are under control
Things are under control
Get to level 12.
Building momentum
Building momentum
Get to level 18.
Mr big business
Mr big business
Get to level 24.
Mister Big
Mister Big
Get to level 30.
Double trouble
Double trouble
Buy the second workbench.
Triple threat
Triple threat
Buy the third workbench.
Keeping things neat
Keeping things neat
Buy the storage cupboard.