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Let's Create! Pottery VR is the best way to relieve your everyday stress and find your inner peace. It's an impressive, therapeutic, and uplifting experience you can enjoy in the comfort of your home.
Go through all the stages of creating ceramics. Choose the color of the clay. Shape it on the potter's wheel with your own hands. Add the necessary elements, burn and decorate like a real artisan, choose a variety of colors or use ready-made color palettes. Give them a unique style and character. You can refer to classic art patterns or create individual projects yourself.
Develop your imagination and release inner creativity.
Complete tasks and special orders or imagine it, and create it in your way.
Create many unique thematic ceramic collections grouped by styles, patterns, and levels of advancement.
1 player 1GB minimum save size HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p PlayStation®Move-Motion-Controller and PlayStation®Camera optional. PlayStation®Move navigation controller or Wireless Controller optional. PlayStation®VR and PlayStation®Camera is required to play this product
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The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.