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Fishing Planet® is a unique and highly realistic online first-person multiplayer fishing simulator. The combination of unique graphics, realistic game physics and, most importantly, fish with artificial intelligence for completely lifelike behavior make this a true-to-life fishing simulator that can help you improve your actual angling skills!
Key features: * 170+ species of fish, each with its unique behavior and AI * 23 scenic waterways with multiple locations, various climatic conditions, bottom terrains and vegetation * 3 types of fishing - float, spinning and bottom * 4 types of boats * Thousands of tackle combinations with unique physical and hydrodynamic properties * Superb dynamic water graphics with ripples and surface that changes depending on wind, current and depth * Weather – day/night alternation, change of seasons, different weather conditions * Multiplayer capacity – online Tournaments and Competitions with personal scores, leader boards and top-player lists
You can download FISHING PLANET for free from PS Store (Poland). page.meta.description.subscription_demo FISHING PLANET: description, trailers and screenshots, price history, trophies, add-ons. Available on PlayStation 4.
The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.